Imprint information according to the Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG)

AQUASLIDE Lubricants GmbH
A-8010 Graz I Merangasse 12
Telephone: +43 316 31 87 06
Management: Mag. Isabelle Kellersperg
VAT No.: ATU71866028
Company register number: FN 464493d
GLN (of the public administration): 91100242786116
Legal form: Limited liability company
Registered office in the political community of Graz
Company court: Regional Civil Court of Graz
Authority under the Austrian E-Commerce Act: Municipal Authority of the City of Graz (Magistrat Graz)
Business purpose: Production and sale of lubricants

Current trade licences:
Production of chemical/ technical products that do not fall within the category of toxic substances as defined in Section 50 (4) of the Austrian Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO), 1994 (GISA number: 30244214)
Trading activities with the exception of regulated trading activities (Austrian Business License Information System (GISA) No.: 30244269)
Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Styria
Section Chemical Industry I Section Energy Trade

Media owner: AQUASLIDE Lubricants GmbH
Business purpose of the media owner: Production and sale of lubricants
Registered office of the media owner: A-8010 Graz I Merangasse 12
All information is provided in conformity with the general information requirements pursuant to Section 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG) and the limited disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 25 (5) of the Austrian Media Act (MedienG).
